Sunday, July 10, 2011

Flutterby Bunting...

Remember those butterfly prints everyone did in grade prep? I've taken them on a little journey so they can experience a life beyond being stuck to the fridge with a magnet from Sea World.

Start by squidging, slopping and smudging some paint on a piece of paper...

...fold it in half and smooth it all over with your hands... it out then ooh and ahh at the pretty colours. Continue to make more until you lose interest or run out of paint and paper, then leave them all to dry...

...get busy with some scissors and cut them all out. Use a bit of creative license so they look more butterfly-ish than splodgy...

...cut a piece of string to a length which is proportionate to the number of butterflies you have. Sticky tape each butterfly to the string as shown, leaving a gap between each...

...spend several hours cursing as you untangle them, them hang them all lovely in a location of your choice.
I think they'd be even nicer if you convince any junior Clever Hands participant that less is more in regards to colour choice and limit the range. I think they'd be princess pretty in pastels and for the really girly girls you could sprinkle liberally with glitter and sequins. Exercising some fine motor skills and making tiny little butterflies would add to the cutesy, too. Have fun!

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, another idea... For boys who only want to splurge on black, grey, khaki and brown this project could become a 'moth' bunting. Much tougher.
