Monday, July 25, 2011

Early bloomers...

Paper towel doesn't generally cheer me up. However, get a bit crafty with the stuff and spring will arrive early!

Start with some paper towel squares cut into quarters. You can get a bit tricky and cut a few circles (or dodecahedrons if you are truly loopy). Also gather to the fray, some tape, food dye and pipe cleaners (or wire, or skewers, or straws). Anything that would work as a flower stem will do...

...twist your squares, circles and dodecahedrons to look like little blossoms, as shown...

...then dip the pointy ends of each into some food dye that you've mixed with a bit of water. Quickly in, then out is best to avoid a handful of soggy mush and to retain a lovely white edge...

...once they've dried (in front of the heater for impatient types like myself) tape each little bloom onto it's stem. We had banana yellow pipe cleaners in abundant supply, so we used those...

...bundle them into a little posy or massive bouquet (if you had so much fun you used the whole roll of paper towel). Then plonk them into a vase, no water required, and admire their happy little papery faces smiling at you, because they think they're the real thing!
As usual, you can of course up the ante. I'd try double dipping, one colour on the pointy end then another on the frilly end. They'll blend where they meet and look all tie dyed and lovely.
I also pondered the idea of taping some stamens in when attaching them to their stalks. Maybe use tooth picks with dip dyed tips, fine strips of coloured paper, or get some of those little fake ones from a craft shop.
Oh, and glitter makes most things better, especially if you are a girl under ten. Perhaps, some glue around the upper frilly edges then dip them generously in the stuff. Hmmmm, I'm almost inspired to have another whizz at them myself...

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Flutterby Bunting...

Remember those butterfly prints everyone did in grade prep? I've taken them on a little journey so they can experience a life beyond being stuck to the fridge with a magnet from Sea World.

Start by squidging, slopping and smudging some paint on a piece of paper...

...fold it in half and smooth it all over with your hands... it out then ooh and ahh at the pretty colours. Continue to make more until you lose interest or run out of paint and paper, then leave them all to dry...

...get busy with some scissors and cut them all out. Use a bit of creative license so they look more butterfly-ish than splodgy...

...cut a piece of string to a length which is proportionate to the number of butterflies you have. Sticky tape each butterfly to the string as shown, leaving a gap between each...

...spend several hours cursing as you untangle them, them hang them all lovely in a location of your choice.
I think they'd be even nicer if you convince any junior Clever Hands participant that less is more in regards to colour choice and limit the range. I think they'd be princess pretty in pastels and for the really girly girls you could sprinkle liberally with glitter and sequins. Exercising some fine motor skills and making tiny little butterflies would add to the cutesy, too. Have fun!