Friday, November 18, 2011

Soggy Saturday Straw Maze...

Upon becoming disgruntled with having little more to do than climb the miserable four walls while the rain came down outside, Mr four and I got busy with some straws and marbles. This is an easy one and kept aforementioned four year old occupied for at least 45 minutes, which is close to a record. He was so engaged we had to make two!

Begin by rounding up a tray, some sticky tape, scissors, straws and a jar of marbles.

Chop the straws into odd sized bits. Bendy straws work well for making corners. (And, yes, Mr Four is in touch with his feminine side and does appreciate the fine qualities of blue nail polish.)

Now get busy with the sticky. Tape the straws on to the tray in a maze like arrangement, ensuring there are lots of twists and turns to keep it interesting. Then drop in a handful of marbles and get rocking and rolling! We put a folded up face washer underneath ours to prevent overzealous flinging of marbles around the house, it provided just the right amount of cushion-y control.